A regular CBI court on Thursday will hear the agency, which sought a 15-day remand of Karti Chidambaram in the INX Media case Karti Chidambaram, businessman and former finance minister P Chidambaram's son, will be produced before the Patiala House Court on Thursday in connection with the so-called INX Media money-laundering case. Karti had been arrested by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) at the Chennai airport on Wednesday morning and taken into custody by a team of CBI officers on his return from the United Kingdom. He was produced before a Delhi court, which sent him to CBI custody for one day. Karti Chidambaram's remand will last until 12.30 pm on Thursday when a regular CBI court will hear the probe agency. The central probe agency had sought a 15-day remand for his custodial interrogation. He will be produced before a CBI court on Thursday, All India Radio News has reported.The CBI justified Karti's arrest by taking the ground of his n...