The Oppo F7 is said to sport a 6.23-inch fullHD+ screen, with a notch on top, and a 19:9 aspect ratio screen. It might feature a MediaTek processor, coupled with the company's NeuroPilot AI technology Chinese smartphone manufacturer Oppo is gearing up to launch the selfie-centric smartphone, expected to be called the Oppo F7, on March 26. The smartphone could feature a system-wide artificial intelligence technology, along with a notch-based screen, and a 25-megapixel selfie camera. While some images, purportedly of the Oppo F7 , have been leaked in the past, this time it is the specifications that have, apparently, found their way to the internet. These leaks hint at several things that you could expect from the upcoming smartphone. According to leaked specifications, the Oppo F7 would sport a 6.23-inch fullHD+ screen, with a notch on top, in 19:9 aspect ratio. It would feature a MediaTek Helios P60 processor, coupled with the company’s NeuroPilot AI technology. T...