The government on Monday announced a Rs 18,000 crore scheme to augment public transport in urban areas Budget 2021 updates: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is presenting her third Union Budget in Parliament. Sitharaman said the Budget for 2021-22 rests on six pillars – from healthcare to infrastructure. The finance minister has also announced a total spend of around Rs 2 trillion on healthcare and mega national highway projects in election-bound states of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Assam and Kerala. The Budget speech is being keenly watched by both domestic and foreign investors, various interest groups like farmers, anxious middle class and corporate entities, besides parliamentarians. As the Covid-19 pandemic hit India last year, the government witnessed a rising expenditure and tumbling revenue, even as economic activity came to a standstill due to the pandemic-induced lockdown. However, the economy is now in a recovery mode. On Friday, the government tabled the Economic Sur...