The daily coronavirus case count in Maharashtra is on the decline, but these numbers are close to last year’s peak levels, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said on Sunday. The daily coronavirus case count in Maharashtra is on the decline, but these numbers are close to last year’s peak levels, Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray said on Sunday. Addressing people of the state through social media, he announced that the lockdown-like restrictions currently in force in the state since mid-April, have been extended by a fortnight till June 15. He said he was taking a district-wise review of the coronavirus situation and curbs will be made stricter where the numbers are on the rise, while some relaxation will be given where the case count is on the decline. Expressing concern over the steep spike in infection count in rural parts of the state, the chief minister announced “My village-Corona free” initiative, and asked the people of the state not to let their guard down while br...