Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) on Monday said it has shortlisted three new startups as part of its Mobility and Automobile Innovation Lab (MAIL) programme
Maruti Suzuki India (MSI) on Monday said it has shortlisted three new startups as part of its Mobility and Automobile Innovation Lab (MAIL) programme.
With an objective to promote innovation in the mobility space, the auto major said it has shortlisted Nable IT, Redbot and Sleave as part the fourth cohort of the MAIL programme.
“The startups are poised to disrupt the consumer technology world. The company’s MAIL initiative supports them by co-creating innovative business solutions,” MSI MD and CEO Kenichi Ayukawa said in a statement.
The three new startups will now engage with the company for paid projects, he added.
MSI had launched the MAIL initiative in partnership with GHV Accelerator in January 2019.
The company said this initiative is more than just a startup accelerator as it aims to create a suitable environment to nurture, foster and guide the early-stage startups.
With the latest addition of three startups, Maruti Suzuki is now engaged with 17 startups under the MAIL programme in the last two years.
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